December 29, 2024
Dividing an array into smaller group in PHP using array_chunk function
There are times when we need to divide an array into smaller chunks, for the same in PHP we have a build in function called array_chunk. The array_chunk() function in PHP takes 3 arguments , first argument is the original array which need to be divided into smaller groups, second argument is array chunk size, third parameter takes boolean values(true/false), if we need to keep original array index/key as is.
$array_var = [10=>"apple1", 11=>"apple2", 12=>"apple3", 13=>"apple4"];
$result = array_chunk($array_var, 2);
Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => apple1
[1] => apple2
[1] => Array (
[0] => apple3
[1] => apple4
Code to keep original index as is
$array_var = [10=>"apple1", 11=>"apple2", 12=>"apple3", 13=>"apple4"];
$result = array_chunk($array_var, 2, true);
Array (
[0] => Array (
[10] => apple1
[11] => apple2
[1] => Array (
[12] => apple3
[13] => apple4